Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Hollis Table

Maybe you'd like to learn more about the Hollis Family and one way is to see our table, to hear some of the stories told there, to see some of the faces that appear around the table and what is served on that table.

Grandson Kyle

We are a family that eats at the dining room table. Sure, there are times when we eat with our plates in our laps while we watch the fire or times when we eat at our kitchen table, but there are many meals, lots of laughter and friendship, family, and much happiness that goes with our daily sit down breakfast, lunch or dinner meals.

Grandson Stewart showing out!

Every week for a while now, I have been featuring a guest or family member at our table. Today you can see several photos for a real scrapbook view.

Friend Kyle Collins

Miss Jessica Best, a special friend.
Grand-girl Emma enjoying Blueberry popsicle.

Grandson Daniel with his birthday cake.

Another special friend Matthew Vogt and son Alton with his buddy Zachary Collins.


  1. Fun! I never thought how much you can tell about a family by their table and who is around it. Thanks!
