Friday, February 18, 2011

Not a Day for Cowards

Winter is here with its snow and ice, storms and rain, winds, and cold. It is not a time for cowards. But it is a time for hopes and dreams. 

Dreams of sunny balmy weather to come. Dreams of spring and the warmth of summer. Dreams of future promise.

We dream of tulips, of daffodils, and other spring flowers and hope that though hard times have come, tomorrow will be sweet. We need to have this blessed hope or we spend our days in fear of the future.

We can't afford to turn back, to cling to past, and feed on memories that will someday evaporate like a puddles after a rain.

We need to exercise faith that lets us see the face of the God who promises and who keeps His promises.

When we see His face and know His heart then we can believe in the future. He is the God who vowed to man (Oh, what a miraculous thing that - made a vow to man.)  Genesis 8:22  says: "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."

Spring is a promise. Tulips and daffodils will bloom. Winter will pass.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photos, Elece, and beautiful, poetic thoughts. Thanking God that spring is a promise...
